I had wanted to visit the pancha brahma sthalams and had visited the Ramagiri and Suruttupalli temples .I now had the opportunity to visit this temple
It represents the Sadhjyota face of Shiva in the Pancha Brahma sthalams
The temple is about 40 kms away from Chennai and easy to reach by road. It is quite close to the Siruvapuri Balasubramnia swami temple and can be combined . On the GNT road I travelled via Padi and on crossing Panjetti, Ponneri at about 30 kms from Padi look for the Durga Poly technic school.The road exactly to the opposite side leads us to Ariyathurai.the place has many brick kilns and the temple is in the far end on the river bank 
The temple is associated with Romarishi and is one of the pancha brahma sthalams.
Lord Brahma asked Romar to meditate here and he had the darshan of Lord Shiva
Sage Mukunthan was advised by Brahma to do penance here and he had the darshan of Shiva as Kala Bhairavar here.Actually Mukunthan wanted to go to Kasi but Romar advised him to worship here and he also had the flow of Ganga from a pit near the temple which is still flowing here and tis gives the place the same importance to Kasi
Kanchi Mahaswamigal visited this place in 1965
Lord Krishna took permission from Indrani, plucked the parijatha tree from Indra loka and brought it but he did not ask the tree’s permission hence the Parijatha tree cursed Krishna to be born as a peepul tree and live for a 1000 years here there are two huge peepul trees ones behind the temple
Indra killed Vrittasura and a few body parts fell on Agastya who was in penance here so Indra prayed here to be relieved of the Brahmahatthi dosham here
King Chithrasenan was childless and Goddess Maragatha valli was born to him after many years. When the King arranged swayamvaram for her, Lord Shiva whisked her away on a horse . The King’s army chased them but Nandhi stopped the army. Then Lord Shiva appeared with his consort in marriage pose to the King and informed him that the Goddess herself was born to him since he was childless. The Idols of the Kalyana Kolam here is beautiful
A chettiar who had his jewel shipment restored at Pazhaverkadu port after a storm was informed to construct the Ambal sannidhi and told the idol is lying in a pond nearby in his dream. The jeweller retrived the idol and built the sannidhi
A devadasi who was a great bhaktha arranged for the temple pond to be constructed here
Once a monkey was chased by a hunter fell into the ganga water and went around the peepul tree.It also witnessed the Pradhosha pooja here and was born again as Raja Kunjara Chola of Kanchipuram who remembered his previous birth and constructed this temple here
Since the temple is very ancient there are no Navagraha sannidhis here instead snakes are drawn on the roof of the temple as parihara sthalam for Rahu ketu
As you enter the raja gopuram there is a large Kalyana mandapam on the left and the main temple is in front. 
The entrance is south facing and you will see the Ambal Maragatha valli sannidhi in font and the Sivan sannidhi to the left.
The pillars inside have all the legends carved on them and it was patiently explained by the priest here
The temple has many sannidhis on the outside all are neatly maintained
The Koshta vigrahas

Brahma and Durga

The hereditary priests 3 generations are living close by to the temple and can be contacted for all help
Contact: Shanmuga Kurukkal/ Saravana Kurukkal (House next to the temple itself)
Sri Varamoortheeswarar temple,
Keezh Muthalamped (post),
Kavarapettai (via),
Thiruvallur (dist).
PIN: 601206
Ph: 9894821712
The house is seen on the right